
NameDescriptionDuration (Day)LevelPrerequisitesOutcomesRecommended Next CoursesInformation
HIP FundamentalsIntroduction and concepts to facilitate overall understanding of HIP1BasicBasic Computer Literacy

*** HIP Fundamentals is a prerequisite to all other courses
Login and logout
Understand the home page
Navigate to different screens
Search in different scenarios
Understand workflow by indexing a document
Use document viewer
Send ad-hoc correspondence
Search for specific outgoing correspondence
Review outgoing correspondence
Hold/release/generate/fail outgoing correspondence
Role dependentRequest
Introduction to call centreLogging and tracking of interaction with entities requiring action1/2Basic*** this and its advanced course below are recommended for all usersLog a call
Search for a call
Handle a call
Close a call
Reopen a call
Resolving call centre queriesRequest
Resolving call centre queriesAdvanced resolution of entity interaction1/2AdvancedIntroduction to call centreResolve queries by navigating via the buttons to other screens
Route calls internally
Handle calls from the workflow bin
Role dependentRequest
Payer creating and amendmentsCreating new payers and making changes1/2BasicLoad new payers
Maintain payers and perform bulk operations
Member creating and amendmentsRequest
Member creating and amendmentsCreate new members and make changes1BasicLoad individual members and dependents
Interpret various fields
Maintain individual members and dependents
Terminate members and dependents
Finance fundamentalsUnderstand the basic concepts of finance in HIP1/4BasicUse and understand the journals enquiry screen
Comprehend financial transactions
Export financial transactions for analysis in Excel
ReceiptingCapturing manual payments and allocating to to members3/4BasicFinance fundamentalsCreate manual payments
Reverse manual payments
Perform manual allocations
Perform payer automatic allocations
Understand other allocations
Finance AmendmentsRequest
Finance AmendmentsCreate financial amendment transactions1/2AdvancedFinance fundamentals,ReceiptingRefund different entity types
Create manual journals
Perform financial transfers between different entity types
Bank StatementsLoading bank statements1/2AdvancedFinance fundamentals,ReceiptingUnderstand and load bank statements
Reverse and reallocate statement transactions to different entities
Split or combine statement payments
Claims 1Capture and assess claims1/4BasicCapture claims manually
Assess claims
Re-assess claims
Enquire on claims
Claims 2Request
Claims 2Assess claims by provider type1/4BasicClaims 1Assess pharmacy claims
Assess pathology claims
Assess hospital claims
Assess optometry claims
Assess dentistry claims
Claims 3Request
Claims 3Electronic claims1/4BasicClaims 1Understand the process flow for electronic claims
Electronic claim processing queries
Provider registration and amendmentsProvider registration and amendments1/4BasicRegister provider
Maintain provider
Maintain provider networks
Authorisation creating and amendmentsLoading new and maintaining claim authorisations1/2BasicClaims 1Loading new and maintaining claim authorisationsAuthorisation protocols and templatesRequest
Authorisation protocols and templatesUtilise protocols and templates in authorisations1/2AdvancedAuthorisation creating and amendmentsCapture authorisation using protocols
Apply templates to authorisation
Run and schedule reportsRun and schedule packaged reports1/2BasicBasic Computer LiteracyUnderstand the reporting environment
Run reports
Schedule reports
Area specific reportsRequest
Area specific reportsReview role specific reports - different course per role1/2BasicRun and schedule reportsUnderstand reports required for roleRequest
CampaignsCreate campaigns for different entites and criteria1/4BasicSetup a basic campaign
Setup a campaign using a CSV file
Check and release campaign